Foot Pain


The foot is wonderfully made. When the foot anatomy and function is studied, the great ability of these 7 bones at the back section of the foot and the 19 bones in the front section to change from a torque converter and shock absorber on heel strike to a rigid lever at push off, one is amazed by the engineering ingenuity.


Unfortunately at times this process goes awry and pain, weakness, altered gait or other problems is the result. Physiotherapist are movement experts and well trained to analyse the problem from foot to hip and beyond to help you step forward more easily.


Foot sprains are assessed to initially screen for more serious injuries. Treatment for sprains  provides some short term relief as well as beginning the rehab back to full strength, balance, range and confidence. Full rehab prevents ongoing problems at the site of injury or elsewhere in the movement chain.


For heel pain analysis, correction of biomechanics and soft tissue techniques can provide good relief. Heel spurs are not found to limit treatment effectiveness. Some relief can be offered to positional problems such as dropped arches (pes plantis) and hallux valgus. Orthotics may be indicated for arch support or correction of other mechanical problems. Exercises, taping and manual techniques are other options.


Foot position and function can contribute to knee, hip or back pain, so the foot is considered as a possible villain when say the knee is painful and so is the victim. Physiotherapist treat and consider the mechanics from head to toe so if your foot hurts find out what your physiotherapist can identify as the problem and help with the solution.

Call us on 4573 4330

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